Selection procedure for academic staff positions
The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU in Prague announces two competitions for filling the following positions in accordance with Act 111/1998 Coll.: 1) the competition for the position of Head of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture – academic staff with the classification of Professor or Associate Professor, starting on 1. 4. 2022 and 2) the competition for filling the positions of academic staff starting in the summer semester 2021/2022 or by agreement and with full-time positions according to the scope of work. Teaching in the Czech language or, for selected courses, in English is expected.
Selection procedure for Head of the Department of the Theory and History of Architecture - in Czech (PDF, 107,92 KB)
Selection procedure for academic staff positions - in Czech (PDF, 122,66 KB)
Application form for the competition for the position of Head of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture - in Czech (DOCX, 13,35 KB)
Application form for the competition for academic staff positions - in Czech (DOCX, 13,22 KB)