Czech Bachelor degree
Czech and English Master degree
Studio Cikán
It is based on group cooperation of students of the master's and bachelor's programs, the aim of which is to formulate a comprehensive view of the site from urbanism to the object and its detail. The output is then...
Studio Hradečný – Hradečná
In exploring the (unstoppable) city and (unstoppable) landscape, we develop the principles of our work - seeking correlations in space and time, considering the meaning of proposed solutions and justifying our own...
Studio Sosna–Filsak
Studio Stempel – Beneš – Stára
Important is the feeling of previewing the whole in its all too complicated complexity. We reach the house by gradual steps of analytical search and rational justification.
Studio Tesař–Barla
We want to inspire courage, joy and not to lose our modesty! And all of this knowing that even a master carpenter sometimes makes mistakes. Our goal is to develop your critical thinking skills. To examine the...