8. NP
direct contact
Daniela Čajová
office 832
+420 224 356 373
+420 733 690 870
Research projects
Responsible person
Kopecká, J.
duration of the project
Responsible person
Rudorfer, V.
Responsible team
duration of the project
The research focuses on the transformation of buildings in urban areas in the Olomouc region and the potential that this process includes for the city government, the investor, and the end user - residents and citizens. The theoretical work maps, categorizes and evaluates existing examples of reconstructions from 1992 (when it was established in its current form ČKA) to the present day. For comparison, it will put local conditions into context with examples from other parts of the Czech Republic and abroad in order to compare the socio-cultural, economic and also legislative and normative context. The outcome will be a web interface publishing the findings and conclusions, part of the research and one of the intermediate outputs will be a contribution to a book focused on reconstructions, as well as ongoing public presentations and discussions. Applied research in the positive level of contemporary Czech architectural creation will be concluded in the form of case studies on several objects according to the categorization during the research, clearly proving the methods used and verification of the hypothesis.
Responsible person
Děnge, J.
Responsible team
duration of the project
Architecture and art have a specific relationship to each other, often overlapping and creating dialogue. The aim of this work is to examine the interdisciplinary interconnection of architecture, art and design in the context of the interior of buildings for housing, public or commerce. The output of the project will be the publication of interviews with architects, artists and clients who can comment on the topic relevantly. It is assumed that the inclusion of other disciplines in the collaboration of architectural design creates more refined and cultural spaces.
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project
The research will focus on defining conceptions of "small" and "economy" individual housing, and on accumulating inspirational contemporary examples of Czech realizations. The research theoretical ground of our interest is the mode how the meaning of the "small" and " economy" conceptions have progressed during the 20th and 21st century and how the conceptions are defined and perceived at present. The main purpose of our research lies in gathering inspirational contemporary examples and evluating them not only from town planning, architectural, structuraly technical nd energy point of view. We are interested also in legislative context and opinion of municipalities. Furthermore, we are interested in practical experience of individuals residing the constructions and extent of adequacy of their financial investments. For purpose of getting the research outcome to the utmost cohort of expert and laic public, we would like the research conclusions are published as a book to common distribution, in paralel to the book we will present the research conclusions continously on a web established for that, on a blog, in social and printed media, at conferences and lectures.
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project
The research describes trends in the architecture in protected landscape areas (Czech republic since 1992). This theoretical thesis will map, analyze, sort and put into context with the implementation of quality by Czech architects. This segment offers a wide range of architectural realizations in a very sensitive area and very often gives an unmistakeable character to the Czech landscape. The output will be professional foreign - language monograph describing Czech works in the protected landscape areas of the Czech republic and new web portal with the database of approved/rejects projects in these territories.
Responsible person
Kovářová, V.
Responsible team
duration of the project
Excursion of students of architecture to important buildings by Luigi Snozzi, Peter Zumthor and Mario Botta in canton Ticino. There will be a publication made of documents from the excursion. The main aim of the voyage will be Monte Carasso, a town with almost 3 thousand inhabitants, whose urbanism was singificantly influenced by Luigi Snozzi. It was his ideas that elevated the town on paneuropean item on the field of architecture. Excursions are important part of the study of history of architecture.
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project
We do not live in an isolated world. Although the situations, background conditions and cultural approaches of different European countries are different, European cities face similar challenges. With ongoing urbanization, the Cities and metropolitan regions face considerable and often contradictory demands. Implementation of the current plans requires cooperation between cities in functional regions, agreements at different levels, voluntary fulfillment of common goals and mutual trust above all. The Czech capacity of land use control is very poor in the comparation with Europe. Local governments have weak possition in centralized system. They are not cooperating together and land use control is low. The output of the research will be the comparison of the attitudes of several European Cities to the development planning of their regions with the current Czech practice, the assessment of differences and the recommendation of new approaches.
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project
The project follows continuous research at the Department of Architectural Design I at FA CTU Prague, dealing with trends in individual housing architecture (Czech Republic after 2000). This theoretical work explores, analyses, classifies and puts into the context examples of high quality family houses by by Czech architects. This segment offers a wide range of architecture works and, compared to other typologies, also the largest client interventions, through which we get a more accurate reflection of society. The output of this project will be another professional monograph describing Czech works in the area of individual housing, following titles 99 HOUSES and CZECH HOUSES.
Responsible person
Responsible team
duration of the project