Department of Building Construction II

The department’s activity is focused on the technical facilities of buildings, technical infrastructure, structural physics, construction of buildings, construction management, economics of construction and settlements and law. We teach the subjects in bachelor and master levels of studies. In the doctorate study programme, we provide education in the field of architecture, construction and technology. Our teaching staff is involved in research, publication, expert, regulatory and project activities.

(you will find more information at http://15124.fa.cvut.cz/ )

All professional, pedagogical and research activities of the institute’s employees are managed to equip the students with the necessary theoretical background in the teaching process, as well as an appropriate amount of basic technical knowledge from various technical fields that are connected to architectural and urbanistic design. To teach them to use this knowledge when working on studio assignments and to lead the students to team work, or to succeed in cooperation and coordination activities between architects, creators of construction works and experts in all professions contributing to the design activities and construction of buildings and to their operation and use.

Together with the pedagogues of the other technical institutes, we contribute to consultations in the studios of design institutes, especially in consultations on part of the projects for bachelor’s theses and in master’s programs in consultations on the related implementation project.

We specialise in

  •  technical facilities of buildings (sanitary installations, heating and ventilation technology, non-traditional sources of energy, electrical engineering and artificial lighting, machinery and communal technical facilities)
  • technical infrastructure (control systems, the transfer of matter, energy and information; the connection of the individual buildings and their ensembles to these systems)
  • structural physics (thermal technology of buildings, acoustics, natural lighting and exposure of buildings to the sun)
  • performance of construction (construction production systems of technical phases of building works, connections between the structural/technological designs of buildings and structures with the project design, principles of construction organisation, wooden and low-energy buildings)
  • construction management (orientation of architect in organisation and management methods, management structures, system for managing project and engineering subjects, business projects, business in the area of architect activities)
  • economies of buildings and settlements (basic orientation in economic relations during the preparation and implementation of construction work, importance of calculations of economic efficiency in the architect’s activities)
  • law (an overview of legal regulations in public and private law related to construction and the performance of the profession)

Workshop ARCHI BETON 2.–4. 5. 2018

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. Daniela Bošová, Ph.D.