
doc. Ing. Lenka Prokopová, Ph.D.

Research projects

Responsible person
Prokopová, L.
duration of the project
Responsible person
Majna, M.
duration of the project
The research purpose of SGS will be a part of the mobile wooden object project. The aim of the one-year project will be the architectural design and construction solution of a mobile building with possible variants. The main structural element will be wooden panels on an already homologated trailer, the design of which will be delivered using the BIM method. The process will be compared to the standard one, focusing on specific differences in building with massive timber panels.
Responsible person
Schulzová, K.
duration of the project
The objective of this research is architectural design in terms of the indoor environment quality. It aims to link the teaching of building physics with the design studios in architecture schools, with a possible transfer into architectural practice Based on analyzing a selected set of reference buildings, the research investigates the architect's decisions during the conceptual stages of designing a building and their effect on the finished building's qualities in terms of daylight, sunlight, thermal properties and acoustics. The research looks for common denominators and converts the acquired data into a form of a supplementary educational material for the early years students of architecture schools, as well as practicing architects.
duration of the project
Innovative materials, which can be applied to glass structure, improve the quaity of the environment inside the glass buildings. In this research project we make plan for applied innovative materials to samples of glass models. We will focus on the light transmittance thickness, color, texture, the range of applied materials and the surface design in relation to the quality of the thermal comfort both in summer and winter. And we must keep discreet zones. These parameters will be optimized depending on the requirements of the quality and quantity of daylight inside the building. The basic design elements will be the glass panes with a graphic or embossed finish artistically conceived and based on the Czech glass industry tradition.
duration of the project
Within the framework of sustainable development, we are trying to use the most of the land and already existing spaces for human needs - whether for housing, jobs, health care and education for example. These spaces have different demands on visual activity and thus the amount of daylight. Sometimes we are already not able to provide enough daylight by window to create an ideal visual conditions. One of the few possibilities for transport daylighting can be tubular light guide tube, which is able to transmit light over long distances. Its design is very complicated, since producers are only given reflectance material tube of light guide, but can not guarantee the necessary amount of light at a given distance or number of curves of light guide. The problem may be in terms of heating technology, where manufacturers have certified only individual elements of the light guide, but not the whole light guide.
Responsible person
Prokopová, L.
duration of the project
For human organism is the daylight important especially in terms of health, because in case of its absence it may lead to various diseases, which a lot of experts are examining . Suitable device of illumination are therefore becoming light guide that can transmit light over long distances. The purchase of those is not the cheapest investment, therefore we should pay attention to optimize the design, to make installation bring the most efficient use. At the same time we should design the light guide the way that it wouldn´t form a thermal bridge and prevent the surface of condensation.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. Daniela Bošová, Ph.D.