Final projects

Multifunctional Residential Building

Trávníček Martin

Architecture and Urbanism, Bachelor Project


The apartment house in the Lesser Town is, as it’s name suggests, a dedication to a vanished Great Jelenovský house. The house is projected to preserve surrounding greenery of a nearby park in a most sufficient way and also to divide the space around into smaller and more personal pieces. In the north, the park is set to stay alongside a newly built café and gallery. In the south, the space is intended to form a small square for fairs to take place. The house itself comes from the practices of a traditional local development. Therefore, a little courtyard is located in its centre which, from which all the flats are accessible via staircases and galleries. Arcades on two sides of this house connect the house naturally with the park and the square as well. It also serves as a entry to the shops located in this house – a book store and a bakery.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.