assistant professor
The Landscape & Architecture studio blurs the differences between architecture and landscape architecture and introduces systemically regenerative and structurally sound designs. The subjects in the studio reveal the relationships between the built, social and natural environments of various types of projects in various scales and various urban, suburban and rural environments. The basis for all these projects is the harmonization of the built environment, which serves human and social interests and creates a regenerative relationship with natural ecosystems
The union of the built environment and natural systems.
We follow the process framework, which begins with exercises in which students deeply immerse themselves in the site under design consideration, and become personally familiar with the subject and location. They then prepare an intuitive design, the so-called first glimpse, focusing on perceived problems and opportunities that can be a valuable asset to the built environment. The “first glimpses” are then used to identify what we do not yet know but need to know – and based on these questions, we then identify the data that need to be collected. An analysis of these data is then summarized in the form of a narrative (SWOT analysis) and graphical (constraints and potential). Based on this information, a graphical and textual vision is prepared, from which the main objectives will arise as an expression of what is necessary to make the vision a reality.
An alternative solution is then developed for each objective that addresses solely that objective. The range of possible solutions consists of a collection of selected alternatives. Each alternative is evaluated based on the other objectives. Based on these evaluations, the direction for the final design is determined. The development process involves continual analysis and inevitably leads to a return to previous stages in the process, such as the collection of new data and further analysis.
The studio also includes multi-day workshops and excursions, and regular and final presentations with external guests.