
Studio Rehwaldt

topic for the winter term - "Climatizer"


Dealing with the consequences of climate change is increasingly shaping concepts for public spaces. Periods of extreme heat, heavy rainfall and the decline in biodiversity are current topics for which landscape architecture must find answers. This affects both the conceptual approach of a project and the design solutions in detail. And it is not just about functional issues, but also about the atmospheric quality of a space.

We have selected various projects with the aim of developing climate-adapted spaces. They have a different context and character, and each location requires a functional and design improvement in its own individual way. What they all have in common, however, is the question of how the requirements of climate change materialize in a specific form. This semester we will work in cooperation with the cities of Dresden and Liberec.

Studio of landscape architecture and design.

The landscape is all around us. In this studio, we become familiar with the territory in both an urban and rural context, and we explore space and its function. We focus mainly on their cultural background, their long evolution as a man-made, repeatedly rewritten palimpsest.

From establishing a “site identity”, we set out to find tailor-made design solutions for individual locations. In this process, we use the language of design to combine environmental, functional and social aspects in projects. We use our professional tools in various scales to express and convey ideas.

Despite its not being a condition of enrollment, we support Czech students in the use of English as a design language.

For the content of this site is responsible: Dipl. Ing. Till Rehwaldt