Hainc, J. - Kandusová, V. - Sýkorová, M. - Malá, M. - Reichmannová, E. - Bek, T. - Vavřichová, B., - Kuzmič, M.
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[Certified Methodology (for RIV)] 2021.
Uplatněná certifikovaná metodika (do RIV)
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Certifikovaná metodika určená pracovníkům malých obcí odpovědným za rozvoj veřejných prostranství, investičním pracovníkům, koordinátorům pro chytrá města.
Cílem je maximalizovat atraktivitu obcí propojením metod urbanismu, participace a technologického know-how do srozumitelného a nákladově efektivního postupu. Metodika uakzuje na vazby mezi atraktivitou obce (fyzickou/virtuální) a kvalitou života a vychází z pilotního ověření v obcích.
Hainc, J. - Šimaiová, A. - Horáková, Z. - Čtyroký, J. - Hudeček, T., - Boháč, O.
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[Specialized Map with Expert Content] 2020.
Specializovaná mapa s odborným obsahem (do RIV)
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Soubor specializovaných map - variant možného administrativního samosprávného členění území Prahy - sloužící jako podklad pro rozhodování o změně statutu města a případné změny Zákona o hl. m. Praze.
Hainc, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Horáková, Z. - Gardoňová, A. - Hudeček, T. - Švecová, L., - Jiráček, Š.
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[Specialized Map with Expert Content] 2020.
Specializovaná mapa s odborným obsahem (do RIV)
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Soubor specializovaných map - variant možného administrativního státně-správního členění území Prahy - sloužící jako podklad pro rozhodování o změně statutu města.
Hainc, J. - Hudeček, T. - Čtyřoký, J. - Vojtíšková, Z., - Gardoňová, A.
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In: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Southampton: WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, 2019. p. 35-45. 238. ISSN 1743-3541. ISBN 978-1-78466-355-1.
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The article "Long term sustainable development of Prague, Czech Republic: Proposal for changes in administrative division for the authorization of new construction" is focused on sustainable development and new construction in the City of Prague.
Hudeček, T. - Hlaváček, P. - Hainc, J., - Červinka, M.
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In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2019. vol. 290. ISSN 1755-1307.
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Housing has become an issue around the world, both in emerging and developed
countries. The affordability of housing is decreasing globally; however, the governance system can be harnessed as a tool to help to turn the situation around, the benefit being that it is in the hands of the local or national administration. The analysis of state of the art data, together with qualitative research based on the knowledge and experiences of experts, have been used to examine the case of Prague. The aim is to prove a direct link between the approvals processes for buildings and the governance system, including the decisions made by different levels of public administration in last two decades. The hypothesis, based on early outcomes, shows a strong relationship between governance systems (including administrative divisions) and the length and complexity of the building approvals process. The results of these analyses are the main outcomes of the article, while designing changes will be the subject of subsequent research.
The article should help with the debate and open up the topic, which is, in our globalized and increasingly complex world, an issue for a growing number of societies. The question of balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth will be part of the research agenda.
Hainc, J. - Kandusová, V. - Sýkorová, M. - Janovský, V. - Maierová, L. - Bek, T. - Vácha, T., - Kuzmič, M.
Publikováno v
[Research Report] Praha: CTU. University Centre of Energy Efficient Buildings, 2018.
Výzkumná zpráva
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Podkladová studie o vztahu atraktivity prostoru a kvality života v kontextu nových technologií. Podkladová studie vymezuje a konceptualizuje základní oblasti a pojmy jako veřejná prostranství, vztah kvality života a veřejného prostranství, atraktivita prostoru, shrnuje současné technologické možnosti jakožto řešení specifických problémů obcí do 20 tisíc obyvatel, včetně definování vztahu a vlivu technologií na veřejné prostranství, shrnuje poznatky z terénního a online výzkumu ve 3 obcích Středočeského kraje (Buštěhrad, Mnichovice, Drahelčice), který se zaměřoval na vztah mezi atraktivitou veřejných prostranství a naplňováním potřeb obyvatel.
Jehlík, J. ed. - Hainc, J. ed.
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Prague, 2016-06-22/2016-06-24. Brussels: Rehva, 2016. ISBN 9788027102488.
Hainc, J. - Jehlík, J.
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In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2016 - Innovations for Sustainable Future. Praha: GRADA PUBLISHING, 2016. p. 537-542. 1st edition, Prague, June 2016, Complete edition - printed version + Flash disk with full paper version. ISBN 978-80-271-0248-8.
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Smart cities and smart growth are often used in today debates about cities and their development. In general there is a constant growth of urban population, in Europe we are reaching the peak, while in the rest of the world the urban population increases and the need is high for dwellings and shelters there. The spatial quality does not correspond directly to measurable parameters of sustainability tools linked to energy efficiency or organizational efficiency or to infrastructural or transportation systems. But the spatial quality of urban environment has direct impact in the social sphere. For example, there is a difference between only one available way to reach your home or situation where man has more choices and more ways to reach it. The detailed analyses of case studies show differences between the real situation of spatial configuration and planned and designed situation of the urban environment. It shows, where possibly some interventions can be proposed. The analyses is based on the comparative method using methods of urban morphology, classification of spaces by its accessibility and analyses of connectivity and intelligibility by space syntax tools. The connectivity and intelligibility have been chosen as key parameters. The case study of detailed analyses shows, how important part of sustainable and inclusive development is the spatial configuration of housing complex in urban environment. Lessons learnt from housing complexes in Prague, or Europe in general, can be used in the rapidly growing societies to stress the importance of public space layout, its quality and connectivity.
Kuzmič, M. - Mančík, Š. - Růžička, J. - Hainc, J. - Lupíšek, A. - Bejček, M. - Urban, M. - Matuška, T. - Dytrich, J. - Kny, M. - Wolf, P. - Nosek, V. - Bacúrová, M., - Vácha, T.
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[Research Report] Buštěhrad: ČVUT v Praze, UCEEB, 2015.
Výzkumná zpráva
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Studie definuje koncept Smart City a jeho možnou implementaci v podmínkách FOXCONN Pardubice. Koncept Smart City byl definován na základě metodiky Morgenstadt City Insights vypracované v Německu. Nedělitelnými součástmi studie jsou: posudek urbanistické koncepce včetně komentáře k vazbě na globální strategii zadavatele, koncept areálové energetiky s přiloženým komentářem k vazbě na globální strategii zadavatele, který předkládá varianty energetických systémů, včetně využití komunálního odpadu.
Hainc, J. - Jehlík, J.
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In: UIA 2014 DURBAN CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS. Paris: INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS, 2014, pp. 2000-2008. ISBN 978-0-86970-783-8. Available from:
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Both places and cities have always been shaped by the behaviour of their inhabitants. More than ever, today, we are facing rapid changes in our daily lives through modern technologies and our ability to move, work and communicate in different places simultaneously. Therefore, we search for safety; a feeling of home is very important and we would like to create a linkage with the place. C. Day’s sustainable space is such a place, where people will take care of it. The shape and form of our built environment can contribute to a better understanding and orientation in our space. In the case study of Prague, current residential complexes, the qualities of public space and the city grid will be studied. Several examples of high-quality design show that the space in between matters, that the sense of visibility, accessibility and orientation is important, maybe more than some might think. Examples of newly builtup areas are not properly connected with the surrounded city and often they do not contribute to the existing environment by adding any new qualities. Current residential complexes are studied on a different scale and the analytical method is proven. The qualities of public space, shaping streets and other features are compared with the old examples of good practice. It is evident that the understanding of space is related to its street pattern and shaping of space. The quality of buildings stands in second position. This must be taken into account when designing, but also in the process of decisionmaking. Public space plays an important role in the context of sustainable development and management of our cities.