Veřtátová, E.
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In: IABSE Conference Kuala Lumpur 2018: Engineering the Developing World. Zürich: IABSE, 2018. p. 159-166. ISBN 978-3-85748-159-8.
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Even though there are different nations, different culture or different habits among the countries of the developing world, the architecture of Catholic cathedrals, churches or chapels has the same goal – to create dignified space for worshipping close to its visitors. A particularity of the Roman Catholic Church architecture (the sacral architecture in general) of the lower economy countries consists in the funding of the projects. While there are many building intentions or projects dealing with complicated financing, a lot of churches, especially cathedrals or basilicas can boast their greatness owing to the Catholic Church itself, enlightened leaders of the countries or many anonymous foreign donors etc. This paper discusses the forms and shapes of the Roman Catholic Cathedrals built in the 20th and 21st century in the third world countries and the access to its felicitous design. Selected examples from the different developing countries all over the world are expounded on the background of the interference of the former colonizers countries architecture (e.g. Sacred Heart Cathedral, Casablanca, Morroco), inspiration from the traditional architecture and materials (e.g. Basilica of Uganda Martyrs, Namugongo, Uganda), creating the own style (e.g. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire) or following the world trends (e.g. Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kericho, Kenya). The gulf between the secular and sacral architecture is not omitted. In conclusion, there are several ways of the access to the design of the Catholic Church architecture in the developing world and these are shown on the examples in this paper. They open the discussion about the life cycle of the architecture, its subsequently costs and well considered choice of the propriety material as well as the shape and resulting form.
Veřtátová, E. - Pospíšil, M.
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BETON-technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2017, 2017(01), 3-13. ISSN 1213-3116.
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Díky technologii železobetonu vznikla v oblasti římskokatolické sakrální architektury celá řada mimořádných staveb, a to zvláště v období po Druhém vatikánském koncilu, jenž uvolnil předchozí přísnou svázanost liturgického prostoru. Jedinečné vlastnosti nového materiálu tak umožnily architektům a stavitelům vytvořit originální stavby nebývalých tvarů a rozponů. V tomto článku jsou na několika příkladech představeny římskokatolické kostely a kaple, které ilustrují vývoj železobetonové sakrální architektury od jejích počátků po současnost
Veřtátová, E.
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In: Book 4 Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Design, Volume II Architecture & Design. Sofia: STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016. pp. 147-154. ISSN 2367-5659. ISBN 978-619-7105-54-4.
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The Czech Republic was under the communist regime between the years 1948-1989. It wasn't favorable era for the educated society much less for the Catholic church, which was one of its biggest enemies of the Communist Party. The numbers speak for themselves. There were over seven thousand Catholic priests, almost three thousand monks and over twelve thousand nuns in the Czechoslovakia in the moment of takeover by the Communist Party in February 1948. Until the end of 1950s, 400 Czech and 300 Slovak priests were arrested, 3 priests were executed and over 50 priests, monks and nuns were tortured to death. Almost 2 500 monks were interned during the operation "K" and 4 000 nuns were deported to the concentrated centers under the operation "Ř". On the background of these events, this paper follows effort and desire of the ordinary believers to build in their villages and towns new churches, places for gathering, despite numerous attempts of the Communist regime to break their faith and resolution.
The study emerged from the preliminary research phase of the grant project called "Forms of Catholic Churches Made of Reinforced Concrete in the Czech Republic", where the list of Catholic Churches of the 20th and 21st Century was done. This revealed the discrepancy in the bibliography in the number of the Catholic churches built in the Communist era after the Second Vatican Council in the area of the Czech lands. Firstly, this paper presents the corrected list of the churches built between 1965 - 1989. Secondly, it briefly introduces five Catholic churches built in the Czech lands between years 1965 - 1989 and informs about the historical connections and events (e. g. church of Nicolaus in Ticha) and happy combination of circumstances (e. g. church of St. Joseph in Senetarov, 1969-1971), why these churches could be built. Was this an inattention or an appeasement of the Communist Party?
Veřtátová, E.
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In: Book 4 Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Design, Volume II Architecture & Design. Sofia: STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016. pp. 587-592. ISSN 2367-5659. ISBN 978-619-7105-54-4.
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The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) has changes ways of thinking and approach to the Catholic Church all over the world. Countries of the former Communistic bloc didn't have much chances to put the new principles into effect. Nevertheless there were two architects in the Czech republic, Lubomir Slapeta and Ludvik Kolek, who had a contact with the West Church and had an opportunity for making these ground-breaking principles into the Czech sacral architecture to come true.
While access of the Lubomir Slapeta reflects the main changes of the Second Vatican Council (new layout of the sacral space as the place of gathering of the believers) and presents an architectural a structural design of the modern church made of masonry and steel, Ludvik Kolek, an artist, shows a unique sculptural approach to the new sacral architecture.
Ludvik Kolek designed his first church of St. Joseph in Senetarov. It was a few months after the "Prague Spring" held in August 1968. Extraordinary design uses reinforced concrete as a sculptural material equally, just as Le Corbusier (chapel Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp 1953-1955 or convent La Tourette 1956-1960) or Gottfried Böhm (pilgrimage church of Maria, Königin des Friedens in Neviges 1966-1968). Some architectural critics claim that Ludvik Kolek was inspired just by a sculptural expressionism of Le Corbusier.
The paper discusses the architecture work of the artist Ludvik Kolek and the open of the possibilities of the sculptural design of the reinforced concrete. It presents three of his churches made of the reinforced concrete - church of St. Joseph in Senetarov, St. Wenceslaus in Breclav and concrete skeleton church of St. Agnes and St. Wenceslaus in Hustopece.
Veřtátová, E.
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In: Architektura a typologie: proměna staveb na prahu 21. století. Praha: ústav nauky o budovách, 2016. pp. 46-49. ISBN 9788001060872.
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V průběhu 20. století prošla římskokatolická sakrální architektura mnoha změnami souvisejícími nejen s vývojem moderní architektury, ale i s událostmi v církvi, které vyvrcholily v 60. letech Druhým vatikánským koncilem. O výrazné proměny liturgického prostoru se však zapříčinil i samotný vývoj a nové potřeby křesťanského společenství. Důsledkem je budování komunitních center při větších kostelech sloužících pro duchovní a společenské aktivity nejen věřících, ale i lidí z blízkého okolí.
Polach, P. ed. - Pospíšil, M. ed. - Vavrušková, M. ed., - Veřtátová, E. ed.
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Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2015. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 732. ISBN 978-3-03835-413-0.
Kniha - sborník kapitol
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Experimental stress analysis is an important aspect of machinery construction. On the 2nd to the 5th of June 2014, the 52nd International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2014) was held in Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic as an opportunity for academics, research scientists and industrial companies to discuss the current research on applied methods of analysis of static and dynamic loads, and discuss the future or the field. The proceedings from that conference are contained in this book. Topics covered include residual stress, experimental methods of analysis in mechanics of materials and biomedical engineering, designing in structural mechanics and teaching these subjects.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M., - Veřtátová, E.
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In: Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2015. p. 417-420. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 732. ISBN 978-3-03835-413-0.
Kapitola v knize
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Education of exact and technical subjects at traditional schools of architecture faces a difficult task to bring these disciplines to students of significantly lower technical perception, now. For this reason, at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, a series of seminars containing the design of physical and virtual models completed by measuring and static calculations to supplement existing education of statics and applied structural mechanics is currently prepared.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M., - Veřtátová, E.
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In: Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Zürich: Trans Tech Publications Offices LTD, 2015. p. 417-420. Applied Mechanics and Materials. ISSN 1660-9336. ISBN 978-3-03835-413-0.
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Education of exact and technical subjects at traditional schools of architecture faces a difficult task to bring these disciplines to students of significantly lower technical perception, now. For this reason, at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, a series of seminars containing the design of physical and virtual models completed by measuring and static calculations to supplement existing education of statics and applied structural mechanics is currently prepared.
Veřtátová, E.
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In: Proměny hodnoty architektonického díla v čase. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury, 2015. p. 58-63. ISBN 978-80-01-05891-6.
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v roce 2002 byla položen základní kámen Kostela Svatého Ducha ve Starém Městě. Návrh konceptu kostela, který vytvořil slovinský architekt Ivo Goropevsek, se stal centrálním motivem dotazníkového šetření mezi uživateli.
Pavel, M. - Veřtátová, E. - Vicherková, V. - Tichá, J. - Rýpar, V. - Mergerová, K., - Boudová, P.
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Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury, 2015. ISBN 978-80-01-05891-6.
Kniha - sborník kapitol
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Publikace představuje různorodé pohledy na proměny hodnoty architektonického díla v čase. Doba vzniku architektonického nebo urbanistického díla, neovlivňuje jen jeho vzhled, ale má vliv také na jeho hodnocení (přijetí / odmítnutí) odbornou a laickou veřejností. Vztah lidí k danému dílu přitom nemusí být konstantní, ale může se v čase vyvíjet. Jednotlivé kapitoly reflektují tento vývoj. Výběr témat není omezen pouze na špičkovou architekturu. Stejně tak doba vzniku samotného díla není zásadní. Publikace se tak snaží postihnout co nejširší spektrum stavebního fondu.