Výzkumné projekty

Aplikace inovativních materiálů na celoskleněné konstrukce z hlediska kvality vnitřního prostředí

Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
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IJMMM - International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing. 2018, 6(3), 195-198. ISSN 1793-8198.
As innovative materials based on glass our research picks substances that can be applied on the glass or glazed structures and objects and effects positively and improve the quality of their inner environment. In this research project is new material applied to the sample glass material and other matrices for which we assume "inappropriate" physical properties of thermal conductivity and light transmittance. Glass bubbles are used as thin-layered internal isolation. Observed parameters are the thickness, color, structure and texture of applied materials. Among the major measurable values is light and heat transmission in both summer and winter (ie bidirectional passages of the heat and light energy). These parameters also relate to the requirements for the quality and quantity of throughput light and heat radiation.
Schulzová, K.
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In: Architektura a stavitelství 2017 - sborník příspěvků a prezentací. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury, 2017. p. 13-16. ISBN 978-80-01-06370-5.
Článek se zabývá možnostmi propojení výuky stavební fyziky s výukou architektonického navrhování na školách architektury. Popisuje výzkumný projekt, jehož cílem je studentům architektury srozumitelnou formou zprostředkovat základní principy návrhu v souladu s požadavky na osvětlení, oslunění, tepelnou techniku a akustiku. Hlavním výstupem tohoto výzkumu by měl být doplňkový výukový materiál, použitelný pro ateliérovou výuku, s možným přesahem do architektonické praxe.
Novotný, F.
Publikováno v
In: Architektura a stavitelství 2017 - sborník příspěvků a prezentací. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury, 2017. pp. 22-26. ISBN 978-80-01-06370-5.
Související lidé
Inovativní využití materiálu 3M tm Glass Microspheres jako odražeče světelného a tepelného záření a jeho pozitivní vliv na kvalitu vnitřního prostředí. Výsledkem by měly být funkční transparentní komponenty stavebních hmot, se zdokonalenými tepelně-technickými vlastnostmi.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D.
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In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Light 2017. Slovenská svetelnotechnická spoločnosť, 2017. p. 188-193. ISBN 978-80-972865-0-7.
Paper is focus on translucence of daylight through micro-glass-bubbles. We applied Glass Micro-Bubbles like external thermal insulation and internal thermal insulation on skylight in cargo container and researched their influence on quantity of Daylight in interior. For this research were chosen three identical cargo containers with linear skylight. Glass Micro-Bubbles were completely applied into the whole external surface one of the containers and into the whole internal surface one of the containers - including a roof skylight. Therefore, it was possible to measure translucence of daylight through the 2 mm layer of Glass Micro Bubbles on these three samples (containers). Our main question is: It is possible to use this innovative material - Glass Micro-Bubbles like internal or external thermal insulation in order to improve thermal and technical parameters and fundamentally do not worsen daylighting parameters of indoor environment?
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
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In: 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering Conference Proceedings. CBEES Hong Kong, 2017.
This is the 2nd phase of a research within the multi-annual plan focusing on the function of the coating layer with reflective properties, whereby the main measured values are especially the heat transmissions. A thin coating "functional" layer from the mixture of "Glass Bubbles" 3M ™ and the fixation medium is applied to a matrix, that is to be improved in terms of its thermo-technical behavior. [2] As part of the mid-term research, a coating layer was selected on which a series of thermal and technical parameters were measured. For the research, a measuring base was set up at Nova Ves (CZ), where 3 identical cargo container units A, B and C are all differing with in application of the functional layer – heat blocker. A - without application, presenting a reference container, B - with application on inner walls and C - with application on outside walls. In these units, indoor temperature and ambient humidity is being measured, along with the surface temperature of the shell outside and inside the unit. Data of outdoor temperatures, humidity, precipitation and solar intensity are measured with a meteorological station nearby.
Prokopová, L. - Novotný, F., - Bošová, D.
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In: 3rd International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference Proceeding. Johor Darul Takzim: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2017.
Our paper is focus on translucence of daylight through micro-glass-bubbles. We applied Glass Micro-Bubbles like outside thermal insulation on cargo container and researched their influence on quantity of Daylight in interior. In the roof of cargo container is linear skylight and its outside surface was coated of this innovative glass material. We use simple mono-cellular hollow spherical elements, known as the - Glass Micro- Bubbles. They are made of borosilicate glass which is resistant to water and is chemically stable. For this research were chosen two identical cargo containers with linear roof skylight. Our input variables were - thin (2mm) external coating layer of Glass Micro-Bubbles. Glass Micro-Bubbles were completely applied into the whole external surface of one of the container - including a roof skylight. Therefore, it was possible to measure translucence of daylight through the 2 mm layer of Glass Micro Bubbles on these two samples (containers). Our main question is: It is possible to use this innovative material - Glass Micro-Bubbles like outside thermal insulation in order to improve thermal and technical parameters and fundamentally do not worsen daylighting parameters of indoor environment?
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
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In: 2017 HANOI CONFERENCE ABSTRACT. CBEES Hong Kong, 2017. p. 49.
As innovative materials based on glass our research picks substances that can be applied on the glass or glazed structures and objects and effects positively and improve the quality of their inner environment. In this research project is new material applied to the sample glass material and other matrices for which we assume "inappropriate" physical properties of thermal conductivity and light transmittance. Glass bubbles are used as thin-layered internal isolation. Observed parameters are the thickness, color, structure and texture of applied materials. Among the major measurable values is light and heat transmission in both summer and winter (ie bidirectional passages of the heat and light energy). These parameters also relate to the requirements for the quality and quantity of throughput light and heat radiation.
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2017. Praha: Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky WTA CZ, 2017. p. 110-111. ISBN 978-80-01-06347-7.
Our research is based on innovative use of the hollow glass micro-spherical material "Glass micro-bubbles" 3MTM. We apply this material like a thin-layer additional thermal insulation/shielding for polycarbonate and steel matrices. 3 identical cargo container units with polycarbonate roof skylight are used for the research: A - without application, B - with inner application of Glass micro-bubble coating and C - with outside application of Glass micro-bubble coating. Observed parameters are translucence of daylight through layer of micro-glass bubbles on the skylight, the indoor temperature and humidity and the surface temperature of the outer and inner shell are measured.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D., - Novotný, F.
Publikováno v
In: 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017. Sofia: STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017. p. 615-620. Nano, Bio, Green and Space - Technologies for a Sustainable Futu
Innovative materials, which can be applied to the glass and glass structures, allow us to improve their physical properties and thus directly affect the quality of the internal environment inside the glazed objects. For us it is examined innovative material is again glass - its form - elements that exhibit extreme reflective properties and allows a significant improvement in thermal and technical properties of glass constructions. We use simple mono-cellular hollow spherical elements, known as the "Glass Bubbles". They are made of borosilicate glass which is resistant to water and is chemically stable. Now we can focus on translucence of daylight through micro-glass-bubbles. We applied Glass Micro-Bubbles like indoor thermal insulation in cargo container and researched indoor thermal in context with quantity of Daylight in interior. In the roof of cargo container is linear skylight and its indoor surface was coated of this innovative glass material. Our main question is: It is possible to use this innovative material "Glass Bubbles" - 3M in order to improve thermal, technical and fundamentally do not worsen daylighting parameters of indoor environment?
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Juniorstav 2017, Sborník abstraktů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, 2017. p. 47. ISBN 978-80-214-5462-0.
Za inovativní materiály na bázi skla považujeme pro náš výzkum takové, které je možno aplikovat na skleněné resp. prosklené konstrukce objektů a které zlepšují kvalitu jejich vnitřního prostředí. Pro tento výzkumný záměr nanášíme materiály na vzorky skleněných konstrukcí a další matrice, u nichž předpokládáme „nevhodné“ fyzikální vlastnosti v oblasti tepelné vodivosti a světelné propustnosti. Zkoumanými parametry jsou tloušťka, barevnost, struktura a rozsah nanášených materiálů. Z hlavních měřitelných hodnot se jedná především o světelnou a tepelnou „propustnost“ jak v létě, tak v zimě (tedy o obousměrné prostupy tepelné a světelné energie). Tyto parametry dále vztahujeme k požadavkům na kvalitu a množství propuštěného světelného a tepelného záření. Pro první fázi výzkumu je rozhodujícím kritériem technologie nanášení zkoumaného materiálu a jeho zvolené nosné a fixační médium, které se liší dle použité matrice a polohy aplikace (interiér / exteriér). Dalším sledovaným parametrem budou v následujícím výzkumu limity estetického působení a výtvarného pojetí skleněné aplikace – výběrem materiálů a výrazových prostředků budeme cílit na originalitu návrhu, jeho praktické uplatnění a přínos oboru stavebního skla.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D., - Darula, S.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. p. 68
If researchers measure illuminance with illuminance meters, they should apply meters appropriate quality, with known accuracy and type of uncertainties. Therefore the test measurements should be performed before carrying out experiments. Illuminance measurements applied in research require using calibrated photometric heads because sensors measure various illuminance levels due to degradation in time. Accuracy of every measurement is influenced by errors of instrument construction and of measuring procedure. During preparation of experiment and its carrying out should be these errors reduced at the most. This paper discusses influence of illuminance quality, importance of the photometric heads calibration on the Daylight Factor measurements.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. p. 69
Daylight factor is one of the physical parameters affecting indoor environmental. We can determine this factor in many ways. The main ways are computational methods, in situ measurements and finally measurements in architectural models. Measurements in models enable us comparison both measurements under real sky and under artificial sky. We can study changes in internal conditions - the colors and variability of the interiors and potential variability of window openings. Using of mini - photometer head in measurements enable us to give precision quality of design daylight in interior and validate computational methods for the real space.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. p. 69
Daylight factor is one of the physical parameters affecting indoor environmental. We can determine this factor in many ways. The main ways are computational methods, in situ measurements and finally measurements in architectural models. Measurements in models enable us comparison both measurements under real sky and under artificial sky. We can study changes in internal conditions - the colors and variability of the interiors and potential variability of window openings. Using of mini - photometer head in measurements enable us to give precision quality of design daylight in interior and validate computational methods for the real space.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D., - Darula, S.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. p. 68
If researchers measure illuminance with illuminance meters, they should apply meters appropriate quality, with known accuracy and type of uncertainties. Therefore the test measurements should be performed before carrying out experiments. Illuminance measurements applied in research require using calibrated photometric heads because sensors measure various illuminance levels due to degradation in time. Accuracy of every measurement is influenced by errors of instrument construction and of measuring procedure. During preparation of experiment and its carrying out should be these errors reduced at the most. This paper discusses influence of illuminance quality, importance of the photometric heads calibration on the Daylight Factor measurements.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D., - Darula, S.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. pp. 6
If researchers measure illuminance with illuminance meters, they should apply meters appropriate quality, with known accuracy and type of uncertainties. Therefore the test measurements should be performed before carrying out experiments. Illuminance measurements applied in research require using calibrated photometric heads because sensors measure various illuminance levels due to degradation in time. Accuracy of every measurement is influenced by errors of instrument construction and of measuring procedure. During preparation of experiment and its carrying out should be these errors reduced at the most. This paper discusses influence of illuminance quality, importance of the photometric heads calibration on the Daylight Factor measurements.
Bošová, D. - Prokopová, L.
Publikováno v
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials vol.824 - Energy Saving and Environmentally Friendly Technologies - Concepts of Sustainable Building. Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2016. pp. 6
Daylight factor is one of the physical parameters affecting indoor environmental. We can determine this factor in many ways. The main ways are computational methods, in situ measurements and finally measurements in architectural models. Measurements in models enable us comparison both measurements under real sky and under artificial sky. We can study changes in internal conditions - the colors and variability of the interiors and potential variability of window openings. Using of mini - photometer head in measurements enable us to give precision quality of design daylight in interior and validate computational methods for the real space.
Bošová, D. - Prokopová, L.
Publikováno v
In: enviBUILD 2015 - Buildings and Environment International Conference. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2015. pp. 316-319. ISBN 978-80-227-4469-0.
Daylight factor is one of the physical parameters affecting indoor environmental. We can determine this factor in many ways. The main ways are computational methods, in situ measurements and finally measurements in architectural models. Measurements in models enable us comparison both measurements under real sky and under artificial sky. We can study changes in internal conditions - the colors and variability of the interiors and potential variability of window openings. Using of mini - photometer head in measurements enable us to give precision quality of design daylight in interior and validate computational methods for the real space.
Prokopová, L. - Bošová, D., - Darula, S.
Publikováno v
In: enviBUILD 2015 - Buildings and Environment International Conference. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2015. pp. 312-315. ISBN 978-80-227-4469-0.
Experimental illuminance measurements require using calibrated photometric heads because sensors due to various degradation in time measure various illuminance levels. Every measurements are influenced by errors of instrument construction and of measuring procedure. During preparation of experiment and its carrying out should be these errors reduced at the most. This paper discusses influence of illuminance quality, importance of the photometric heads calibration on the Daylight Factor measurements.
Prokopová, L. - Darula, S., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Proceedings of the 28th Session of the CIE. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2015. pp. 1801-1805. ISBN 978-3-902842-55-8.
Under the artificial sky was measured the light transmission efficiency of direct hollow light guide. Firstly, only tube with diameter of 530mm and length of 1170mm was investigated. Secondly a sample with additional diffuser, thirdly a sample with cupola and fourthly a sample with cupola and diffuser were tested. Simultaneously analytic methods for calculation of the light transmission efficiency were applied to test theoretical results with experimental. There were used three calculation methods - Luxplot Package model, approximate sizing method according to document CIE 173:2012 and HOLIGILM - software for prediction of indoor illuminance. The paper discusses results of experimental measurements and results obtained from calculations. It was found that difference between measured values of light transmission efficiency and calculated values were up to 3% according to CIE method and programme HOLIGILM and circa 8% according to Luxplot Package model.
Novotný, F. ed. - Prokopová, L. ed., - Bošová, D. ed.
Publikováno v
Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury, 2018. ISBN 978-80-01-06461-0.
Vrbová, P.
Publikováno v
In: 9th Annual on Architecture and Urbanism Conference. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2020. p. 87-94. ISBN 978-80-214-5903-8.
The aim of the research is to assess the potential of insulating thin-film material from hollow glass-ceramic microspheres in terms of technical building installations. The right design and realization of technical distributions and their insulation in buildings are important for the efficient management of the energy that is necessary for the building operations. The research will evaluate the properties of this insulation material for technical installations and the suitability of using it in practice.
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings. Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2018. p. 140-146. Key Engineering Materials. vol. Vol.776. ISSN 1013-9826. ISBN 978-3-0357-1361-9.
Our research is based on innovative use of the hollow glass micro-spherical material "Glass micro-bubbles" 3MTM. We apply this material like a thin-layer additional thermal insulation/shielding for polycarbonate and steel matrices. 3 identical cargo container units with polycarbonate roof skylight are used for the research: A - without application, B - with inner application of Glass micro-bubble coating and C - with outside application of Glass micro-bubble coating. Observed parameters are translucence of daylight through layer of micro-glass bubbles on the skylight, the indoor temperature and humidity and the surface temperature of the outer and inner shell are measured.
Novotný, F. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018. ISBN 978-80-01-06461-0.
Inovativní materiály, které je možno aplikovat na skleněné resp. celoskleněné konstrukce nám umožňují zlepšovat kvalitu vnitřního prostředí uvnitř prosklených objektů. Pro tento výzkumný záměr plánujeme materiály nanášet na vzorky skleněných konstrukcí a na celoskleněné modely. Zkoumaným parametrem bude tloušťka, barevnost, struktura a rozsah nanášených materiálů ve vztahu na kvalitu vnitřního prostředí. Bude se jednat především o tepelnou pohodu jak v létě, tak v zimě, ale také o zajištění soukromí v diskrétních zónách. Tyto parametry budeme navíc optimalizovat v závislosti na požadavcích kvality a množství denního osvětlení uvnitř objektu. Dalším sledovaným parametrem budou limity estetického působení a výtvarného pojetí skleněného objektu, kdy aplikaci funkční vrstvy budeme podřizovat také výtvarnému výrazu ověřované konstrukce. Výběrem zkoumaných materiálů a výrazových prostředků budeme cílit na originalitu návrhu, jeho praktické uplatnění a přínos oboru stavebního skla.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.