Final projects


Turková Barbora

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The thesis deals with the design of a mental health center. The Centre for Mental Health (CMH) is a new type of mental health care facility according to the Psychiatric Care Reform. It is a modern approach to helping people with mental illness based on prevention, early intervention, and reintegration into society. According to the Psychiatric Care Reform, 100 CDHs should be in operation in the Czech Republic by 2030. This is 70 more than the current number. The proposal explores a new typology based on the needs and personal experiences of clients and staff of current centers in the Czech Republic. The form of the project as a floating house is based on the need for more new centers in the Czech Republic and the nature of Czech cities, most of which are located on or near a river.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.